
2018: Financial Support for children in North East India


LIGHT in LIFE supported children in North East India in their education from Kindergarten level to Class X with CHF 21’000.

Education is something very close to LIGHT in LIFE. It is an essential factor for the development of a society and in turn, the nation. Primary education for all – is the goal of our nation, and we want to play an important part to reach this goal. We have implemented various education projects since our inception and would now like to increase them.

As part of this project, we would like to start two new projects in North East India, where not all the children have the opportunity to receive basic education.

1. Sponsorship for the 1st Project costs CHF 300 per year including school books, uniform, food and stay

This project is designed for children coming from distant places and remote areas with no means of transportation. These children are given the opportunity of residential education in the school premises.

2. A sponsorship without stay costs CHF 150 per year.

We have a five-year commitment to this project. To throw more light on this, if you want to sponsor, you could sponsor for a full five year period or you could do partial sponsorship too for a period from one to four years. LIGHT in LIFE will sponsor the child for the remaining years.

We proudly state that the entire monitory contributions received will benefit the needy children and nothing will be taken by us or partners for any administrative expenses whatsoever.

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